Hedgehog Charm in 925 Silver
Hedgehog Charm in 925 Silver
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The common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is a mammal belonging to the Erinaceidae family. It is widespread throughout the European continent with the exception of the northernmost areas. It can reach, including the tail, a length of 30 cm and a weight of 1 kilo.
Il Riccio leads a night life. In fact, most of its prey are much more abundant during the night. Despite appearing an awkward and insecure animal in its walk, the Hedgehog is capable of running and swimming very quickly. Often during the difficult moments that life presents us it is vital to be able to maintain a positive attitude. You have to put all your trust in the fact that everything will go well and will work out in the best way.
We often believe that, in order to be resolved well, it must necessarily go according to our plans. Often, however, tragedies give birth to a new life and enjoy a new happiness. So, in the event that the condition of happiness does not occur, we will have to use all our positive energy to see beyond and follow the light.
By virtue of this, the Hedgehog (commonly called Porcupine together with the Porcupine) symbolizes the value of faith (or trust in general). Therefore, those who have the totem of this animal will tend to face difficulties with faith and a peaceful soul. They are confident that they will soon be able to solve the problem or pain that ails them.
The Hedgehog appears to be, due to its temperament, peaceful and playful. In fact, it never attacks first except in very rare cases. This cute little mammal is also the symbol of friendship and lightheartedness.
In fact, the man with the Hedgehog totem gradually tends to get in touch with his own inner child. In this way, he finds part of the forgotten innocence and the amazement that one feels when looking at the curiosities and beauties of the world for the first time.
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