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Ivy set in 925 silver

Ivy set in 925 silver

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The common ivy ( Hedera helix ) is a climbing shrub that is often destroyed, because it is "accused" of being a parasitic species that damages and degrades the wood.

It's false! Ivy plays an ecological role of fundamental importance for the balance of the forest and for the fauna .

First of all, it is good to remember that Nature does nothing by chance. Every species, even the most unwelcome and insignificant, occupies a key place in the complex ecological dynamics. Sometimes this role escapes not only ordinary people but also scientists who, frequently, are forced to revise the most established theories in the light of new knowledge.

Many farmers and forestry workers are convinced, for example, that ivy is a "harmful" species responsible for the suffocation and desiccation of trees and for this reason they cut it off, believing they are doing a useful service to the forest. Let's dispel a myth of poor botanical knowledge and bad silvicultural management: the ivy does not feed on the sap of the tree, it is a climber (like the vine) and seeks only support in the host plant , a tutor to wrap itself around.

Cutting ivy is wrong for a number of reasons. Here they are:

- the covering of leaves that surrounds the trunks offers an excellent "insulation" to the trees, protecting them from harsh temperatures ;

- the ivy operates the natural selection of the forest . We can define it as the "wolf of the trees", because with its weight, it helps to make the less resistant or sick specimens fall. This accelerates the ripening and renewal process of the forest. Dead plants that fall to the ground become food for countlessxylophagous insects and fungi that feed on the decaying wood until the completion of the biological cycle;

- Its flowers are of enormous importance for bees who visit them assiduously "foraging" large quantities of nectar and pollen. Flowers even more appreciated as they are available in September-October when there are no other blooms. “According to the Federation of Italian beekeepers, one hectare planted with ivy (assuming this is possible) can provide from 200 to 500 kilograms of honey every year ” (Source: Corriere della Sera, Fulco Pratesi );

- the plant offers shelter to numerous species of birds that frequently nest there;

- its berries are consumed by numerous species of birds (thrushes, blackbirds, starlings, etc.) which, in certain seasons of the year, feed almost exclusively on its fruits. By suppressing the ivy, an indispensable trophic source for the avifauna is lost and a drastic impoverishment of the fauna of the woods is determined;

- the evergreen leaves are hungry for rare species of butterflies (ivy moth, Celastrina argiolus) and herbivorous animals such as deer, fallow deer, roe deer especially in the winter season, when other food sources are scarce;

- the leaves, falling to the ground, decompose quickly and form good quality humus

- anti-pollution function : NASA, the American Space Agency, has disclosed the characteristics of some plants with evident "phytodepurative" properties. Among these is the ivy, which seems to have shown remarkable abilities: according to NASA it absorbs 90% of benzene and over 10% of trichlorethylene, so we can certainly define it as an "anti-pollution plant".

Finally, ivy is a plant used for herbal purposes . Contains saponins, tannins, resins and mineral salts; it is expectorant, emmenagogue and antureumatic. For cosmetic use, the infusion added to the bath water is astringent and supports anti-cellulite treatments; used to rinse the hair after shampooing, it makes them shiny and dark. Beware, however, the berries are toxic if ingested, especially for children.

Description . Very rustic and evergreen plant, with dark green leaves, which can reach 20-30 m. It has sterile branches characterized by roots, areas and leaves with 3-5 lobes often mottled with white; the branches bearing the flowers have no aerial roots and the leaves are whole and with an ovate-rhomboid shape. The small, greenish-yellow flowers, gathered in terminal racemes, appear in summer and, in the following spring, give rise to globose bluish-black berries. Very common, especially in woods and hedges, from the sea to the mountainous area up to 1,000-1,500 m of altitude. It is often grown as an ornamental plant with several selected varieties.

Mythology : “ Ivy is the favorite plant of Dionysus. The god was often called "the Crowned with Ivy" or even Kissos. ivy. This vine had saved him twice in Cadmus. Shortly after his birth, the nymphs immersed him in the Kissusa source of ivy, and it was on Mount Elicona (hélix is ​​another name for ivy) that he was raised ” . Source : Tree mythology, J. Brosse, Rizzoli, 2007.


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